Member Benefits

Free admission to each exhibitio
Free admission to each exhibitio.
Up to 2 people can enter with a membership card.
(47th Gafu-Ten Exhibition Admission 1000 yen / person)

Eligibility for each exhibition
You will be eligible to exhibit in the Gafu-ten, Shunga-ten, Shuga-ten, Hokuriku-miyabi, Kyushu miyabi, Tokai-miyabi, branch union exhibition. (Exhibition fee etc. are required separately.)

Distribution of commemorative cards and association information magazines
We will distribute a gorgeous commemorative book containing all works exhibited at the Gafu-ten and the association information magazine “Shohin Bonsai Press” for free.
(Commemorative Gift Price 10,000 yen)

Discounts on bonsai and materials
You can purchase products from association-affiliated stores at a 10% discount at the sales floors of exhibitions hosted by the association.
(However, there are exceptions and exclusions.)
*Some limited items in the Gafu shop have a “special distribution price” for members, so please use this as well.

Eligibility to participate in the course
Students are eligible to participate in seminars held by the Association throughout the country.
However, you may be required to pay the actual cost of teaching materials, etc., so please contact us in advance.

Discount on exchange fees
Participation fee for the exchange meeting hosted by the association several times a year will be 2,000 yen. (general 3,000 yen)

Remake System
A remake system (technical distribution) by association-certified instructors is available for a fee. (Currently, the reception is limited to Japan)
[Details of the remake system] •A member of the association will take care of bonsai that are too much to handle and bonsai that are hesitant to remake. • The client nominates an engineer recommended by the association and applies to the association secretariat. •We will send you home as soon as possible after the treatment. •Technical fees are as follows. • Clients meet directly with technicians to discuss care details. • When shipping, pack the bonsai well so that it does not fall over. Maintenance time fee 3,000 yen within 1 hour 5,000 yen for 1 hour 7,000 yen for 2 hours 10,000 yen for 3 hours 3 hours or more 10,000 yen or more
About membership
How to apply
Please apply by one of the following methods.
♦ STEP 1
Please fill in your name, address, phone number, and email address in the “Membership application form” below.
Please send the entered Word data to by email.
♦ STEP 2
Please make a payment using PayPal.
PayPal account is
If you live outside of Japan, the admission fee is 5,000 yen and the annual membership fee is 15,000 yen.
fee and membership regulations
*The expiration date of the annual membership fee is April 1 ~ March 31 of the following year.
* All prices shown include consumption tax.